Chiropractors are highly trained healthcare professionals who specialise in the diagnosis, treatment, management and prevention of disorders which effect the musculoskeletal system, including the bones, joints and muscles. These disorders if untreated or mismanaged can have significant effect on the musculoskeletal system and raise other health problems.
The neck and back are of particular interest to chiropractors, however they don’t stop there. Chiropractic treatment includes analysis of the whole body, as well as the emotional and social welfare of the patient. Chiropractors utilise a wide range of hands-on traditional and modern techniques in order to reduce pain, improve body function and increase mobility.
Neck and back pain are just part of the conditions that chiropractors routinely treat. They also look at leg, hip and knee pain, headaches, migraine, arm, shoulder and elbow pain, joint pain, muscular pain, spasms, cramps and even postural conditions.
Chiropractic treatment is very safe. It involves gentle physical manipulation of the joints, allowing them to move more freely. This can often be in the neck and spinal areas of the body but can be utilised anywhere in the body with reduced function. Other treatments can also be used including ultrasound, heat, ice and exercise.
In addition to the chiropractic treatment traditionally offered by chiropractors, they are able to offer advice to help the self treatment and management of many conditions effecting the musculoskeletal system which often includes therapeutic exercises and lifestyle changes.